
The Scary Link Between Childhood Obesity and Tooth Decay

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With childhood obesity on the rise, it is important to shed a spotlight on the issue. We’d like to do our part by examining one often overlooked aspect when discussing childhood obesity: the damage it does to teeth! We live in a world where everything is big. Our restaurant chains are big, our portion sizes are big, and the waists of our children are big, and they keep growing. Kids are ingesting more high-fat and high-sugar foods than ever before, and it is taking a serious toll on their teeth. According to an article in the British Dental Journal, the … Continue reading

Tooth Decay May Prohibit Growth in Children

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As children grow, it’s only natural that we, as parents, go to great lengths to ensure they become healthy and happy adults. Recent studies have shown that tooth decay may affect the way children grow up. These studies found that tooth decay actually inhibits growth in children. Because of these findings, it is important for parents to take pediatric dental care very seriously, and to schedule regular visits to the dentist to check-in on the health of teeth. It is also important to show the kids the proper way to care for their teeth! Decay is not only known to … Continue reading

What You’re Doing Wrong with Your Child’s Oral Health

What you are doing wrong with your child's oral health

It’s no secret that kids don’t always have what’s best for their teeth on the forefront of their minds – which can lead to a toothache for them and a headache for parents. Between eating too much sugar, not brushing and flossing enough, and skipping brushings, kids run a high risk of cavities and oral health issues. But have no fear! Here is a list of classic mistakes parents make when it comes to oral health, and tips on how you can avoid them. Letting kids brush alone While it might feel easier to send them to the bathroom alone … Continue reading

What is Your Mouth Trying to Tell You?

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You may not realize it, but your mouth is probably trying to tell you something pretty serious after you turn thirty. Past the age of thirty you have a fifty percent chance of suffering from some form of gum disease. If you are experiencing chronic bad breath, bleeding gums while brushing, bleeding or sore gums while flossing, discolored gums, or gums that are moving away from your teeth than your mouth is telling you that you have gum disease. Don’t wait too long to address gum disease. If you see the signs than you should visit your dentist for treatment. … Continue reading

Tea for Your Teeth

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Many drink options can contribute to issues with dental health. Whether it’s the acid in fruit juices or the acid and sugar in soft drinks, it’s hard finding drinks that don’t harm teeth or, in fact help them. Tea is one of the best drinks for your teeth, research has found. This is especially true with green tea where antioxidants called catechins improve oral health. A study done in Japan found that almost all participants who drank at least one cup of tea a day showed improvement in gum health and reduced gum bleeding. Keep in mind though that while … Continue reading

Oral Concerns of Older Adults

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As we age, our over all health and needs change, and oral health is no exception. As we get older, it is important to maintain a healthy diet so that our bodies continue to get all the vitamins and minerals needed to support our overall health, and oral health. Older adults, however, face certain challenges as they age which can make it difficult for them to maintain good oral health. It’s common for elderly people to have teeth and mouth issues, which can end up affecting their diets. These issues often lead to the consumption of softer foods, which means that … Continue reading

Should You Floss Before or After You Brush?

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To floss before or after? That is the question! Whatever your style – flosser, string, AirFloss, WaterPik – you know that flossing is one of the best things you can do to maintain healthy teeth. Thankfully, we have moved past the question of why you should floss and have moved on to when. But even dentists are divided on the issue. Removing the bits of food and debris from your teeth may feel like something of an urgent matter, so it makes sense to reach for the floss first. The particles that you’ve stirred up can be swept away by your follow-up brushing. … Continue reading

The Best Way To Clean Dentures

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Having dentures can present a distinct set of challenges. From getting used to the fit in your mouth to the way it feels when you chew, there’s a learning curve when it comes to acclimating to life with dentures. Luckily, caring for your dentures themselves isn’t too difficult once you know what to do! Here are some simple steps to keep your new smile clean and comfortable. 1. First, you’ll want to rinse your dentures before brushing. This will help dislodge any food or debris before you go in with the toothbrush. 2. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean all of the surfaces … Continue reading

Is Chewing Gum Good For Your Oral Health?

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Here’s something to chew on: gum has some surprising health benefits. Bacteria be gone: In a 2015 study, researchers at Holland’s University of Groningen observed that after chewing sugar-free gum for 10 minutes, up to 100 million bacteria were removed from participants’ mouths. That’s 1/10 of the bacteria that lives in our mouths! But before you clear out your local supermarket of all the gum in their checkout aisle, be aware: after 10 minutes of gum chewing, no additional bacteria was found to be removed, just redistributed around the mouth. Spit is it: Chewing gum can also be helpful in preventing tooth … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Smile

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Alright, you’ve signed up for a gym membership, you’ve stocked your fridge with kale (link to blog about nutrition here) and you’re all ready for the New Year. But have you thought about your smile? Here are some easy ways you can resolve to improve your smile this year! 1. Keep Those Pearly Whites Bright Teeth whitening is an easy and safe procedure your dentist can do either in-office or provide you with an in-home kit. Years of food and drink damage can cause unsightly stains, which is perfectly normal but not something you have to live with! Avoid bleaching … Continue reading

Paxton Dental Care now offers Epic X Laser Teeth Whitening Treatment