Tooth Decay May Prohibit Growth in Children
As children grow, it’s only natural that we, as parents, go to great lengths to ensure they become healthy and happy adults. Recent studies have shown that tooth decay may affect the way children grow up. These studies found that tooth decay actually inhibits growth in children. Because of these findings, it is important for parents to take pediatric dental care very seriously, and to schedule regular visits to the dentist to check-in on the health of teeth.
It is also important to show the kids the proper way to care for their teeth! Decay is not only known to cause “harm or tooth loss, but to actually hinder a child’s physical growth and health.”

When examined, the study was comprised of finding out if there was a direct link to dental carries and stunted growth. It was conducted in Saudi Arabia but the connection between the two was clearly present. Children aged six to eight years were studied and individually examined based on their “decayed, missing, filled teeth.” The response rate of the correlation came out to 95.6%, further concluding that lower growth rates were a direct cause from dental caries.
Of course, more research is needed, but in the meantime, parents need to be weary of their children’s growth and dental hygiene in order to keep their healthy lifestyle. In making sure your child’s teeth are properly cared for, you will ensure they have a beautiful, healthy smile as they grow into beautiful, healthy adults!