
Activated Charcoal: Safe or Scary?

Activated charcoal whitening

You’ve probably seen this new dental trend on your social media feeds: beauty influencers sporting pitch black smiles and swearing the result is cleaner, whiter teeth. The product? Activated charcoal powders, applied and brushed onto teeth in lieu of toothpaste. No one can deny its popularity, but is this craze hot, or hazardous? Activated charcoal has long been used medicinally thanks to its absorbency. In fact, hospitals usually have the black stuff on hand to soak up poisonous substances a patient may have accidentally ingested. The idea behind using charcoal in your mouth is similar; if it can absorb poison, … Continue reading

4 Rare and Unusual Dental Issues

Unusual problems with teeth

While most people are familiar with common issues (such as dental carries or impacted wisdom teeth), there are some issues that are far less common and less known. Anodontia Anodontia (also known as Hypodontia) is a condition where some teeth never grow in place. Depending on how many teeth are missing, dentists either treat it with implants, dentures, or simply shifting teeth over to fill in the gap. Talon Cusps This condition involves a talon-like protrusion that grows at the back of a child’s tooth. It usually occurs behind incisors or canines. These protrusions can cause problems such as a … Continue reading

Dentures vs. Implants: A Guide

Dentures vs Implants graphic

If you are missing teeth and looking to restore beauty and functionality to your smile, your dentist has probably thrown around the words “dentures” and “implants” quite a bit. Sometimes, though, it’s hard to remember the differences in looks, installation, and cost. This guide will provide you with a quick overview of the similarities and differences between dentures and implants, so you can make an educated decision on which restoration is right for you! The health of your gums and jaw are major factors in whether you should choose implants or dentures. If you have strong, healthy gums and jaw … Continue reading

Taking Care of Teeth After Cancer Treatment

Caring for teeth post cancer graphic

There are plenty of health challenges to face after cancer treatment, including oral health issues. You might need anything from a simple cleaning to more extensive dental work. Here are some tips to follow so that you can get the best oral health once you finish treatment. Visit your dentist to find out what is going on in your mouth. Many cancer patients may have severe tooth decay due to dry mouth syndrome that occurs during treatment. A dentist can help treat the decay by filling cavities and doing other procedures to ease oral health issues. What can you do … Continue reading

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Oral Health

Arthritis gum disease

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that afflicts over 1.3 million Americans. Many people don’t realize that there are serious oral health risks that have been associated with arthritis. Current research suggests that patients with rheumatoid arthritis are at a greater risk for gum disease and other oral health issues. If you’re a patient who suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis, do not fear! Below are three steps you can take to keep your teeth and gums happy and healthy. One of the most common forms of bacteria buildup in the mouth, gingivitis, causes an inflammation of the gums and tissues and … Continue reading

Four Surprising Things That Are Ruining Your Teeth

4 surprising things that are ruining your teeth

There are many things that can harm our teeth. You probably know about the general things to avoid for healthy teeth, such as sugary sodas, acidic foods, and sticky candies. But what else is wrecking our teeth that we have no clue about? Here is a list of things that are ruining your teeth and you didn’t even realize it. Juicing Juicing is a hot trend that many people love. While cold-pressed juices may be full of vitamins and nutrients, they are also packed with sugar and acid. This excess amount of sugar does the same thing to your enamel … Continue reading

Anxiety in the Dentist’s Chair

Anxiety in the dentist’s chair graphic

When some of us think of the dentist, we may feel anxious and frightened… so how do we conqueror such a fear? We need the dentist; they help make our smiles healthy and beautiful, so we can’t simply avoid them forever! Here is a look into dental anxiety, how it is caused, and how to overcome it. The main fear of dental visits is the uncertainty of what exactly will happen there. Did you know that up to “15% of Americans avoid the dentist” due to fear? This is especially common with the older crowd, who have unfortunately experienced dental … Continue reading

4 Mouthwash Options: Advantages and Drawbacks

4 mouthwash options: advantages and drawbacks

Many dentists recommend using mouthwash in combination with brushing and flossing for keeping fresh breath, preventing cavities, and fighting gingivitis. However, not all mouth rinses are created equal! There are plenty of factors to consider when buying mouthwash. Between the hundreds of brands, formulas, and even colors to choose from, which option is the best for you? We’re here to help you decide! Cosmetic Mouthwash These mouthwashes are primarily used to combat bad breath. They don’t tend to offer much in the way of protection from bacteria or infections, so if you want to use cosmetic mouthwash, it’s best to … Continue reading

Attention Animal Lovers: Your Pet’s Teeth Also Matters

What about your pets teeth

Pets need dental attention too! While your general dentist is probably not qualified to take a peek in your dog’s mouth, that doesn’t mean that you should let your pet skip regular dental visits. Next time your pet goes to the vet, make sure that they check their teeth. Your pet can suffer from bleeding or swollen gums and plaque buildup if they do not receive a regular brushing. Picking up a doggy toothbrush and doggy toothpaste can also help your pup stay healthy. Brushing their teeth will help clear away plaque and tartar, saving your pet from oral pain. … Continue reading

The Truth About Multivitamins

The truth about multivitamins graphic

Millions of Americans take daily multivitamins… but why? Most pop the pill because they believe that it has an array of health benefits attached to it. However, studies show that it may not be true. Whether you are trying to up your daily intake of calcium and Vitamin D for healthy teeth and bones, or are trying to amp up your iron, switching to a pill may not be the answer. In fact, most supplement users choose to take supplements as their own personal choice, not as a recommendation from their doctor. The argument lies in the fact that you … Continue reading

Paxton Dental Care now offers Epic X Laser Teeth Whitening Treatment