The Unseen Repercussions of Tooth Loss
When one loses a tooth, it is easy to see the aesthetic issues that can pose for an individual. A missing tooth can cause various psychological and social consequences depending on how a person handles such an event.
There are a number of unseen effects of tooth loss that can have a direct impact on oral and overall health. After tooth loss occurs, it is common to see a decrease in the width of the alveolar bone—which contain tooth sockets. Loss of the alveolar bone can trigger loss of the jaw bone, which in turn can cause facial reconfiguration and make an individual more prone to jaw fractures and other serious facial injuries, not to mention chewing restrictions and speech impairment.

Many Americans are missing at least one tooth. These teeth are usually back teeth, which are the first adult teeth to appear in the mouth, and subsequently the first to fail as a result of decay or other injury. However, thanks to advancements in dental technology, missing teeth can be replaced by teeth implants, which can be used to help a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. Implants help support surrounding teeth and help maintain the jaw bone and prevent further bone loss.
Dental implants also function the same as natural teeth, which can improve overall health. With chewing no longer an issue, diets stabilize, and one starts to regain the self-confidence they had prior to losing a tooth!
If you have a missing tooth and think you can benefit from dental implants, contact your local dentist today.