Prostate Cancer Awareness

It turns out that treating gum disease could lower prostate inflammation.

Prostate inflammation, often called prostatitis, has been linked to gum disease in many previous studies. But, a new prostate study has found that men who treat their gum disease show improved symptoms with their prostatitis.

Prostatis and Gum Disease grapahic

21 of the 27 men in the Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine and the Departments of Urology and Pathology at University Hospitals Case Medical Center study showed lower levels of prostate inflammation. Men with the highest level of inflammation benefited the most from periodontal treatment.

Since September is national Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, it is important to draw attention to many problem and issues with the prostate that could be linked to gum disease.

If you have prostatitis and gum disease, talk to your dentist about treatment.


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